Wayne worked in Mining, was making good money, but wanted a change and was looking at business opportunities. He found Jim’s Pool Care.

Wayne was always a hard worker, got into mining worked hard and plenty of hours. But he also wanted a change and decided to get into a business opportunity for himself that he could grow. He has had a great start to his business in a only a month or so and has kindly taken the time to do this franchise interview with Joel Kleeber from Jim’s Group Head Office. Wayne provides great feedback, hints and tips for new franchise owners. We love these raw and honest interviews so if you want to hear more about a Jim’s Pool Care franchisee who is only 4 weeks along then watch this this. Great to hear there is plenty of support from his Franchisor and other pool care franchisees in the team and local area.

“I was like a deer in headlights, but after the first few weeks it settles down…, it just got easier and easier…”

If you want to learn more about a Mobile Pool Shop opportunity in your area, then reach out and give us a call or make an online enquiry.

Wayne from Jim’s Pool Care tells us how he is going in his first month a franchise owner (36 Mins)