Where should I start my research on buying a Jim’s Pool Care Franchise?
A great place to start is to reach out and contact us directly by calling 131 546 or you can send through an enquiry form through our Jim’s Pool Care website. Your enquiry will be passed on to your closest Jim’s Pool Care Franchisor who will then be in contact with you to answer any initial questions you may have. They will also send you some further information regarding the opportunity, entry prices and fees. We would also encourage you to meet with them over a coffee during the early stages so you can get the information straight away and learn more about your local Jim’s Pool Care team.
Should I go out for a day on the road and ask questions there?
Yes, this is a fantastic idea and we would encourage everyone who is interested in a Jim’s Pool Care franchise to book a ride-a-long day with a local franchisee. This gives you an opportunity to see the business first hand and to ask the franchisee what they think of the franchise business and system. You will see what work is involved and test whether you can see yourself doing this kind of work moving forward.
Is there more research I should do?
We would also recommend that you contact any other franchisees in the Jim’s Pool Care team and have a quick chat to them. Also, you could visit the Franchise Council of Australia website where you will find more information about buying a franchise.
What questions should I ask other franchisees?
The first thing to ask them is how they have enjoyed their journey and experience so far. If they began their franchise at a new site, what was that like for them? What were the challenges and rewards of getting their business off the ground? We always take pride in the support and training which we provide every new franchisee, but it is good to get the information straight from them and ask them what they thought of the support process and network.
Once I make the decision to buy a Pool Care Franchise, should I quit my job?
It is probably not a good idea to quit your job. The reason for this is that there are many stages and checkpoints along the way. We both need to make sure that we are a good fit for each other, and you will have to complete an application form to continue with the purchase. There is also a chance that you will need some finance, so having another form of income until everything is set up is really important.
How much training should I expect?
Each new Jim’s franchisee, from any division, must attend a Jim’s Business Training in Melbourne where you will meet Jim Penman. This training runs for 3 days at the Jim’s Head Office and you will learn all about the Jim’s Systems and Ethos. This is a great 3 days and it can also be great to help you make your decision if your mind has not been made up yet. Once you return and you decide to proceed with the process, you will then do 10 Days on the Road Practical Training. This training is quite hands-on, and you will also receive more training in our Two-Day Pool School.
If, in a few years, I decide to exit the franchise, can I sell it?
Yes of course! You will have regular contact with your local Franchisor through-out the whole time as being part of the Jim’s Pool Care team. If you do decide that you wish to exit, we recommend you advise your franchisor as soon as possible and they can guide you through the re-sale process. It is true that an established re-sale will often be more attractive than a new site but what is not known is how long the sale will take. That is why we always suggest being organised and to stay on top of your accounts. It is much easier to sell a well-run and organised business. Plus, you may even attract a higher price.