Ever wondered what it would be like to own a Jim’s Franchise? Take a look at this video of Nate Seabrook, a fellow Jim’s Pool Care franchise owner showing us a day on the road as a Jim’s business owner:


‘I’ve been in Jim’s Pool Care for nearly 2 years. Before this I was in corporate sales and marketing and a mutual friend got me in touch with someone in Jim’s so I spent a couple days on the road with him. I was looking to get out of sales and marketing, and I decided that this was just what I was looking for. The main reasons were because I could work outdoors and out of the office, and work with my hands. I’ve also always been drawn to water and what better way to make money then by a pool. The thing I love most about owning a Jim’s Pool Care franchise is that it puts a different challenge into your day because each day is different. It is a very problem-solving job which is good to use your initiative and put your brain to work.’

Nathan Seabrook

Jim’s Pool Care | Diamond Creek | VIC

If you would like to join Nate, call 131 546 or download a free info pack today:

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